Research Paper, Essay on Movie Reviews
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Category | Title | Body |
Movie Reviews | 'fill the hole' | In the movie Stand and Deliver, double entendre ran rampant. During an Algebra lesson one day at the beginning of the school year, Mr. Escalante told Angel, a gang member, to "fill the hole". Not only was he referring to the hole as an illustration, but also to the hole in the students lives as a result of lack of education, the gangs, and in many cases, a poor upbringing. Mr. Escalante mus... |
Movie Reviews | "planet of the apes" | "Planet of the Apes" James Burroughs is a critic. In his article, "The Fiction of Science Fiction," he expresses his opinion that the movie, "Planet of the Apes," has no value or real meaning for society today. He says it is like other similar science fiction movies made in the 1960s because it is so out-of-date. He seems to feel the only people that would enjoy "Planet of the... |
Movie Reviews | 1,000 word essay on the love story | Sophomore Composition 1,000 Wd. Report October 27, 1999 There are many positive things and negative things about the movie and the story. In the movie you have a chance to see what Elizabeth looks like. That alone could be a positive and negative thing. The movie is more glamour than thought. In the movie your mind has more free will so therefore this is the better of th... |
Movie Reviews | 1000 word essa | Title: 1,000 Word Essay On THE LOVE STORY Category: Music and Movies Submitted: 2000-03-15 Word Count: 1072 Sophomore Composition 1,000 Wd. Report October 27, 1999 There are many positive things and negative things about the movie and the story. In the movie you have a chance to see what Elizabeth looks like. That alone could be a positive and negative thing. The m... |
Movie Reviews | 12 angry men | The movie Twelve Angry Men begins with an eighteen year old boy from the ghetto who is on trial for the murder of his abusive father. A jury of twelve men are locked in the deliberation room to decide the fate of the young boy. All evidence is against the boy and a guilty verdict would send him to die in the electric chair. The judge informs the jurors that they are faced with a grave dec... |
Movie Reviews | 2001- a metaphorical odyssey | 2001: A Metaphorical Odyssey Myths are created for the purpose of conveying a message with an interesting medium with which to do so. Many cultures use myths to teach their young about the past. Through time, however, these myths become impractical due to discovery. This is when a new myth must be introduced to take the place of the obsolete one. Stanley Kubrick shaped 2001: A S... |
Movie Reviews | 3 movie's reviewed | English 11 5 December 1996 Trainspotting Trainspotting is a drop-dead look at a dead-end lifestyle. Set among the junkies and thugs of Edinburgh's slums and made by (director Danny Boyle, writer John Hodge, producer Andrew Macdonald) that created "Shallow Grave," "Trainspotting" caused a sensation in Britain, where it took in mor... |
Movie Reviews | A nightmare on elm street | Intro to Film December 17, 1999 A Nightmare on Elm Street At a time when the stalker movie had been exploited to all ends and the image of mute, staggering, vicious killers had been etched into society"s consciousness to the point of exhaustion, a new kid entered the block. The year was 1984 and it was time for a new villain to enter into the horror genre. A villain th... |
Movie Reviews | Alfred hitchcock | Alfred Hitchcock: 50 Years of Movie Magic Alfred Hitchcock is among the few directors to combine a strong reputation for high-art film-making with great audience popularity. Throughout his career he gave his audiences more pleasure than could be asked for. The consistency of quality plot-lines and technical ingenuity earned him the recognition of being one of the greatest filmmakers of all ... |
Movie Reviews | Alfred hitchcock: 50 years of movie magic | Alfred Hitchcock: 50 Years of Movie Magic Alfred Hitchcock is among the few directors to combine a strong reputation for high-art film-making with great audience popularity. Throughout his career he gave his audiences more pleasure than could be asked for. The consistency of quality plot-lines and technical ingenuity earned him the recognition of being one of the greatest filmmaker... |
Movie Reviews | All quite on the western front | In the movie "All Quiet on the Western Front" we see the boys almost innocent as they sit in class. The teacher in this scene is pressuring the boys to go to war. He preaches that it is their "duty" to fight. The teacher seems very pushy and strict. He is especially strict with Paul, the main character in the movie. In this particular scene, Paul is drawing a picture of a bird... |
Movie Reviews | Amistad | AMISTAD Amistad is a recreation of the true story about a 1839 slave revolt on a small Spanish schooner, La Amistad, ironically the Spanish word for "friendship." Spielberg does a great job in recreating the Amistad revolt that spurred a series of trials beginning in the lower courts of Connecticut and ultimately ending in the Supreme Court. Events following the revolt raise... |
Movie Reviews | An analysis of the video "like a prayer" by madonna | An Analysis of the Video "Like A Prayer" by Madonna Madonna first arrived in the national popular culture in 1984 with her song "Borderline". She moved very quickly in the ensuing years to make several records (many of which have gone multi-platinum) and to take several world tours with sold-out concerts, and has caus... |
Movie Reviews | Animal farm - movie | Animal Farm is a movie that uses animals to make fun of humans. The movie starts out with a the highest animal, Old Major, the pig, telling all the animals they must unite and leave the humans, and that the humans should not boss them around anymore. However, before that can happen, Old Major is killed. The animals do succeed, though, in scaring off the humans. Because O ld Major has died, it... |
Movie Reviews | Animal farm: comparison between book and movie | Animal Farm: Comparison Between Book and Movie Animal Farm is a novel about farm animals running a farm and becoming self sufficient. It is a story with great detail and is a very good book to read because of it surprising events. If you have seen Animal Farm the movie, you would feel completely different. The movie has far less detail and events to make it as interesting as the book... |
Movie Reviews | Another reservoir dogs | Gangsters, violence, murder and corruption !!!!! If these are some of the things that you're into, then this is your kind of movie. Be ready to watch it more than once to be sure to get all the movie has to offer because it jumps from subject to subject and can be a little confusing. The movie on the whole was really great. It was filled with some pretty gory... |
Movie Reviews | Arsenic and old lace review | Arsenic & Old Lace The movie Arsenic & Old Lace is based on the play about a movie critique who's two aunts , choose to put lonely men out of there reason by posioning them . Little do they know that there nephew, Jonathan, who left them when he was young, has killed just as many people as they did. Much to Jonathan's surprise , the aunts killed just as many men without the plastic surgery... |
Movie Reviews | Braveheart | Braveheart Braveheart is a realistic portrayal of the power struggle between England and Scotland. The film starts by showing William Wallace as a boy, losing his father to Edward the Longshanks, King of England. William Wallace leaves Scotland with his uncle to live with him. Years elapse and William Wallace returns to Scotland, the place of his birth, to take over his family... |
Movie Reviews | Bull durham: to the true meaning of the first fight scene | Bull Durham: To the True Meaning of The First Fight Scene The theme of this paper is to dissect the first fight scene; in the movie Bull Durham, between Crash Davis; who is played by Kevin Costner; and "Nuke" LaLoosh; who is played by Tim Robbins. The fight takes place in a bar scene between these two men who have never met before. The reason for the fight is that Crash Davis is ta... |
Movie Reviews | Bulldurham | To the True Meaning The theme of this paper is to dissect the first fight scene; in the movie Bull Durham, between Crash Davis; who is played by Kevin Costner; and "Nuke" LaLoosh; who is played by Tim Robbins. The fight takes place in a bar scene between these two men who have never met before. The reason for the fight is that Crash Davis is talking to a women by the name of Annie Savoy who... |
Movie Reviews | Causes and effects | Cause and Effect The popular movie "Top Gun" coined a phrase that reads "I feel the need, the need for speed." Many drivers today would agree with that phrase. Speeding is one of the most common ways that people break the law. When people break the law there are unpleasant consequences. A speeding ticket is an effective form of discipline: paying for a ticket, traffic school, and higher ... |
Movie Reviews | Comparative essay, one flew over the coochoos nes book-movie | Essay Comparison of Book and Movie "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest is a book written by Ken Kesey to accomplish a certain mood within it's chapters. The feelings and moods given in the book differ greatly from those in the movie because of multiple changes in character development. Each and every time a movie is produced from a book, the producers are ... |
Movie Reviews | Comparison of book and movie "one flew over the cuckoo's nest" | Comparison of Book and Movie "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest is a book written by Ken Kesey to accomplish a certain mood within it's chapters. The feelings and moods given in the book differ greatly from those in the movie because of multiple changes in character development. Each and every time a movie is produced from a book, the producers are fo... |
Movie Reviews | Comparison of mary shelly's frankenstein to movies and tv show's frankenstein | Comparison Of Mary Shelly's Frankenstein to Movies and TV Show's Frankenstein There have been many misgivings about the book Frankenstein. In movies and T.V. Frankenstein is portrayed as a monster. This monster will not stop at anything to hurt or destroy others. He usually has a green hue to his complection and has bolts coming out the sides of his neck. The bolts symbolize the ... |
Movie Reviews | Cool hand luke | In Cool Hand Luke, the movie begins with the word, VIOLATION, across the screen. The word is from a parking meter and sets the tone for the entire movie. Luke Jackson, the title character, is arrested for cutting off the heads of the town"s parking meters while drunk, or in legal terms, for destroying municipal property while under the influence of alcohol. When asked why he cut ... |
Movie Reviews | Crime scene | The cultural majority in America is up in arms over the rising levels of violence and horrific images that have seeped into popular entertainment. Movies, television, and music have always been controversial, but even they can cross the line between poor taste and immorality. Entertainment corporations and record labels don"t even blink, when told of the excessive torture or satanic lyrics fo... |
Movie Reviews | Critique of romeo and juliet the movie | Critique of Romeo and Juliet the Movie There have been many romantic films made in the past as well as now in the present, from Wuthering Heights to Pretty Woman. But, one of the most romantic of all films is the story of Romeo and Juliet. It is safe to say that most people are familiar with this story. A couple so determined to be together, ended up tragically in the arms of ... |
Movie Reviews | Dead man walking | Dead Man Walking People in society today have changed their feelings towards humanity and religious practises. This change is seen clearly in the movie "Dead Man Walking." The characters go through changes in their view of religion and their feelings about human morality and humanity towards each other. The characters of Sister Helen, Matthew, and the victims parents all went thro... |
Movie Reviews | Dead man walking | People in society today have changed their feelings towards humanity and religious practises. This change is seen clearly in the movie "Dead Man Walking." The characters go through changes in their view of religion and their feelings about human morality and humanity towards each other. The characters of Sister Helen, Matthew, and the victims parents all went through these changes during th... |
Movie Reviews | Death of a salesman: an overview | Death Of A Salesman: An Overview The play "Death Of A Salesman" , the brainchild of Arthur Miller was transformed and fitted to the movie screen in the year 1986. The play itself is set in the house of Willy Loman, and tells the melancholy story of a salesman whom is in deep financial trouble, and the only remedy for the situation is to commit suicide. In the stage production o... |
Movie Reviews | Do the right thing | The movie, Do the Right Thing, by Spike Lee is a hard hitting drama that deals with violence and racism in today's society. This film is set in a primarily black neighborhood in close to the present time. Right in the center of this neighborhood stands a pizza parlor that is owned and operated by one of the most important characters in the movie, Sal. In the beginning of the movi... |
Movie Reviews | Donnie brasco | Donnie Brasco When I was first assigned to see "Donnie Brasco" I instantly had an image of another ruff and intense mobster movie. It has been a while since Hollywood has attempted to do a mob related movie until now. "Donnie Brasco" was released last Friday. This movie stars Al Pacino and Johnny Depp. The movie is based on a true story about Joe Pistone and FBI agent who i... |
Movie Reviews | Donnie brasco | When I was first assigned to see "Donnie Brasco" I instantly had an image of another ruff and intense mobster movie. It has been a while since Hollywood has attempted to do a mob related movie until now. "Donnie Brasco" was released last Friday. This movie stars Al Pacino and Johnny Depp. The movie is based on a true story about Joe Pistone and FBI agent who infiltrated the New York mob r... |
Movie Reviews | Education in the media a look at october sky | "How about I believe in the unlucky ones? If I don't I'd probably go crazy."(Laura Dern, October Sky) This could arguably be the most important line in the entire movie, in my opinion. This teacher recognizes the potential in every student, not only the ones with visible ability. This, I would hope, would be the goal of every teacher. Teachers have the greatest gift in the world - ... |
Movie Reviews | First knight and oxbow incident | In the novel, "The Ox-Bow Incident," and the movie, "First Knight," the differences by far out weighed the similarities. Some of the more evident similarities Round Table had a set book of laws and rules that all knights must abide by, regardless of their feelings were, the characters seemed to both have a leader which they followed, Tetley in "the Ox-Bow", and King Arthur in "First Knight". ... |
Movie Reviews | First knight and the ox-bow incident | First Knight and The Ox-Bow Incident In the novel, "The Ox-Bow Incident," and the movie, "First Knight," the differences by far out weighed the similarities. Some of the more evident similarities Round Table had a set book of laws and rules that all knights must abide by, regardless of their feelings were, the characters seemed to both have a leader which they followed, Tetley in "t... |
Movie Reviews | For the love of the game | For the Love of the Game Movie Sam Raimi 1999 This movie is based on a story of man who has a passion for baseball and love for a woman. It shows the struggle between the two, baseball and Jane. This movie takes place in the 20th century in New York. Most of the movie is a flash back of Billy Chapel, Detroit Tiger's Pitcher, the events of the past five years. It shows his the ... |
Movie Reviews | Friday | The movie Friday is a comedy, but it also depicts many important social issues. The story is set in the city of Los Angelos, California, in what could be called a high class ghetto. The main theme of the movie is about a young black man who looses his job and is influenced by his best friend to smoke marijuana. The movie also shows the relationships of his family and other mem... |
Movie Reviews | Gangsta rap: crime | Gangsta Rap: Crime The cultural majority in America is up in arms over the rising levels of violence and horrific images that have seeped into popular entertainment. Movies, television, and music have always been controversial, but even they can cross the line between poor taste and immorality. Entertainment corporations and record labels don't even blink, when told of the exces... |
Movie Reviews | George lucas and movies: no future? | George Lucas and Movies: No Future? When looking into the future people see many different things. Whether it be flying cars, buildings floating in the air, or people walking around in space suits, everyone has their own idea. Most of the time when people look into the future they look far into it, not in the next several years. The future is usually defined as twenty or more year... |
Movie Reviews | Glory | The movie Glory (though having seen it 4 times) still amazes me. It is a very emotional movie. It is about the fact that blacks were starting to not be discriminated against. The racism was actually not gone at all, just muffled by many people's views. The 54th regiment was incorporated because people thought it would only be fitting that blacks be able to fight for their own freed... |
Movie Reviews | Godfather | Mario Puzo"s "The Godfather" was the first and most influential gangster movie that paved the way for gangster movies of the future. The movie was directed by Frances Ford Copolla, who made many different ingenious ways to portray this gangster classic. The movie was a very subversive movie, and one of the first of all time.The Godfather has a many different uses of light settings throu... |
Movie Reviews | Goodfellas | Goodfellas" is a dramatization of life in the New York Mafia. It is based on the accounts of real life ex-gangster turned state evidence. He tells his story from when he was hired by a wiseguy as a teenager in the fifties, to the time he is put in the witness protection program in the seventies.The movie portrays the spirit of the Mafia and demonstrates their distinctive values, customs,gangs... |
Movie Reviews | Heart of darkness and apocolypse now : analysis of book&movie | Heart of Darkness and Apocolypse Now : analysis of book&movie Heart of Darkness and Apocalypse Now Inherent inside every human soul is a savage evil side that remains repressed by society. Often this evil side breaks out during times of isolation from our culture, and whenever one culture confronts another. Joseph Conrad's book, The Heart of Darkness and Francis Coppola's movie, Apo... |
Movie Reviews | Horror movies | "Natural Born Killers," " Psycho," " Friday the 13th ," and "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" are all horror films. In these films there is always some crazy person or monster-like character that goes around and slaughters innocent people. And usually, but not all the time the killer is killed at the end of the movie. The media publishes or broadcasts stories that ... |
Movie Reviews | How do tv shows reflect american culture | Television Shows Reflect American Culture There are many movies and television shows that reflect American culture. A show or movie must address some current societal problem or trend in order to truly reflect American life; murder, rape, racism, and, on a less serious note, parties, shopping, and sports are topics that deserve serious consideration by the public and the media. The sho... |
Movie Reviews | In cold blood movie review | "In Cold Blood" Review "In Cold Blood" is a tragic story of two men, Eugene Hickock and Perry Edward, who murder an entire family in search of money and then find themselves running from the law. While writing the book, Truman Capote used only facts to create a novel out of an actual event. He had thousands of notes on the subject, but his problem was making his book read like a novel... |
Movie Reviews | In the movie "tombstone", friendship comes in different forms | In the Movie "Tombstone", Friendship Comes in Different Forms Friendship between two people can come in many different forms. In a companionship you could just be acquaintances, where at one time or another someone might have done something for you that might have changed your life for the better. To this individual you feel as if you owe them a favor in return. For this reaso... |
Movie Reviews | It's in his mouth | The Meaning of Chow (It's In His Mouth) Ultimately, it comes down to his mouth. Chow Yun-Fat is the coolest movie actor in the world today, and the only way I can explain this is to talk about his mouth. He does cool things with his mouth. Smoking cigarettes is no longer an emblem of cool in the USA, but Chow does ... |
Movie Reviews | Jason & the argonauts [v4.0]: talos - myth versus movie. | Jason & the Argonauts [v4.0]: Talos - Myth versus Movie. Ryan Kunnemann L.A. 2 Oct 6, 1996 Talos - Myth versus Movie. The characterization of Talos' in "Jason and the Argonauts" is portrayed very different in the myth and the movie. One major contrast was that Talos was the last Bronze person in the myth. In the movie, Talos was lifeless until Hercules broke into Talos's chambe... |
Movie Reviews | Jerry maguire | In his movie Jerry Maguire, director Cameron Crowe illustrates how failures and successes are all part of life and if you have love and are happy with your life then you will shirley succeed. It is part of life to experience failure which propels one forward to take risks and make changes to find the answers on how to succeed in lives little games. Jerry Maguire is an inspiring m... |
Movie Reviews | John ford & frank capra a study of there movies | "A great man and a great American, Frank Capra is an inspiration to those who believe in the American dream" John Ford "The megaphone has been to John Ford what the chisel was to Michelangelo.....Ford Cannot be pinned down or analyzed. He is pure Ford--Which means pure great" Frank Capra Frank Capra and John Ford have directed many classic movies and it is unfair to only view two of the... |
Movie Reviews | John ford and frank capra: a study of their movies | John Ford and Frank Capra: A Study of Their Movies "A great man and a great American, Frank Capra is an inspiration to those who believe in the American dream" John Ford "The megaphone has been to John Ford what the chisel was to Michelangelo.....Ford Cannot be pinned down or analyzed. He is pure Ford--Which means pure great" Frank Capra Frank Capra and John Ford have directed m... |
Movie Reviews | Jurassic park: comparision between book and movie | Jurassic Park: Comparision Between Book and Movie Michael Crichton, a master of suspense, has created a novel for your imagination. This book involves prehistoric animals and plants from the Jurassic era. Steven Spielberg took on this book, as a movie project to add to his collection of visually mastered Science-Fiction motion pictures. Both the movie and the book have captur... |
Movie Reviews | Jurassic park: comparison between book and movie | Jurassic Park: Comparison Between Book and Movie The story Jurassic Park, by Michael Crichton takes place on a small island near Costa Rica, it's about a park full of dinosaurs created by Dr. Hammond. The dinosaurs are locked in large cages with electric fences. But as the mathematician Ian Malcolm predicted, nature cannot be controlled. They find this out when the security syste... |
Movie Reviews | Last of the mohicans | "Last of the Mohicans" Contrast and Comparison While reading "Last of the Mohicans" I found that there are many differences between the book, and the movie. Before I read the book, I thought it would exactly like the movie, but I was wrong. If you were to read the book, and then watch the movie, you would be amazed at what they left out of the book, and vic... |
Movie Reviews | Man with the movie camera: shot change constructs a new perspective | Man with The Movie Camera: Shot Change constructs a New Perspective Avant Garde Film Midterm 11395 Question #4 Time was used by Vertov as an important factor in editing as well as in the daily lives of humans. With editing he utilized the essence of time to his advantage. Vertov wanted a certain rhythm of cuts to exist in the movie. He desired a choppy effect.... |
Movie Reviews | Movie - philadelphia | In the movie Philadelphia a lawyer named Joe miller takes a heroic journey. His journey is taking a case dealing with an Aids patience that is working in a distinguished law firm . Andrew Beckon is wrongfully accused of losing an important document regarding an important cort case. To make the call of this hero more interesting, he has a personal problem with homosexual beh... |
Movie Reviews | Movie review of a time to kill | I never read A Time To Kill by John Grisham because the book bored me. But I wonder why it did bore me because the movie was engrossing and entertaining. Maybe it is because Akiva Goldsman took out most of the boring parts. I usually love Grisham, but this book was just too slow. However, another thing that made the movie more entertaining is the actors. The movie begins with the rape scene... |
Movie Reviews | Movie review of jerry maguire | Movie Review of Jerry Maguire If you want to take a break from the frigid air of a Montreal winter, go to see Jerry Maguire; it will be sure to warm your heart. If you're like me, you're a little tired of going to see big name stars in overly hyped, big time busts. Combine that with the fact that sports movies are rarely impressive, (Necessary Roughness?!? The Program?!?) and I have ... |
Movie Reviews | Movie review of jerry maguire | Movie Review of Jerry Maguire If you want to take a break from the frigid air of a Montreal winter, go to see Jerry Maguire; it will be sure to warm your heart. If you're like me, you're a little tired of going to see big name stars in overly hyped, big time busts. Combine that with the fact that sports movies are rarely impressive, (Necessary Roughness?!? The Program?!?) and I have to say t... |
Movie Reviews | Movie review of yentl | MOVIE REVIEW: YENTL Everyone at one time or another has felt out of place. Feeling unsure of one's place in society is an experience that every young adult faces but deals with differently. Some rebel while others comply with whatever has been set out for them by society or their parents, or both. The role of the woman in society is forever changing. Where women were once obligated ... |
Movie Reviews | Movie review: a time to kill | Movie Review: A Time To Kill I never read A Time To Kill by John Grisham because the book bored me. But I wonder why it did bore me because the movie was engrossing and entertaining. Maybe it is because Akiva Goldsman took out most of the boring parts. I usually love Grisham, but this book was just too slow. However, another thing that made the movie more entertaining is the actors. ... |
Movie Reviews | Movie review: sense and sensibility | Movie Review: Sense and Sensibility Ang Lee, who directed, and Emma Thompson, who adapted the screenplay, have done an excellent job of bringing Jane Austen's Victorian novel, Sense and Sensibility, to the movie screen. The movie's collection of actors are a joy to watch as they bring out the emotions of an otherwise polite and reserved era in time. The production work is top n... |
Movie Reviews | Movie review: the color purple | Movie Review: The Color Purple Byron Hooper 11/18/96 The movie "The Color Purple," directed by Steven Speilberg, was, in general, a satisfactory film. It was enjoyable, if you don't consider accuracy towards the novel it is portraying important. Speilberg obviously had little, if any, respect toward the original story, by Alice Walker. He slaughtered a story most peop... |
Movie Reviews | Movie review: the mirror has two faces | Movie Review: The Mirror Has Two Faces The movie stares Barbara Streisand as Rose Morgan a lonely, single, low self esteemed woman who lives with her domineering mother Hannah Morgan played by Lauren Becall in New York. Jeff Bridges who plays Gregory Larkin a math instructor at Columbia University is a man in search of the perfect woman who is not interested in sex but only compans... |
Movie Reviews | Movie review: yentl | Movie Review: Yentl Everyone at one time or another has felt out of place. Feeling unsure of one's place in society is an experience that every young adult faces but deals with differently. Some rebel while others comply with whatever has been set out for them by society or their parents, or both. The role of the woman in society is forever changing. Where women were once obligat... |
Movie Reviews | Movie villains | Movie Villains What really is a villain? Villains have been alive forever, there is no way to easily detected them or stopping them. They come in all shapes and sizes from animals to little children to even space aliens. Each villain has his or her own particular style, usually greed. Another big reason for there evil acts is because of revenge, revenge can turn innocent people... |
Movie Reviews | Movie: all about eve | Movie: All About Eve English 30 Spring "97" In the film All About Eve, (directed by Joseph L. Mankiewicz and released in 1950), Eve Harrison (Anne Baxter) was a young woman with evil running through her veins. She wanted to be "somebody" and chose to get there through Margo Channing (Betty Davis) who was a famous stage star. Eve would do whatever it took to get where she wan... |
Movie Reviews | Movie: all quiet on the western front | Movie: All Quiet on the Western Front In the movie "All Quiet on the Western Front" we see the boys almost innocent as they sit in class. The teacher in this scene is pressuring the boys to go to war. He preaches that it is their "duty" to fight. The teacher seems very pushy and strict. He is especially strict with Paul, the main character in the movie. In this particular scene... |
Movie Reviews | Movie: arsenic and old lace | Movie: Arsenic and Old Lace The movie Arsenic & Old Lace is based on the play about a movie critique who's two aunts , choose to put lonely men out of there reason by posioning them . Little do they know that there nephew, Jonathan, who left them when he was young, has killed just as many people as they did. Much to Jonathan's surprise , the aunts killed just as many men without the... |
Movie Reviews | Movie: dead poet's society - the dead poet that killed himself | Movie: Dead Poet's Society - The Dead Poet That Killed Himself The movie Dead Poet's Society raises an interesting question: When educating teen-agers, is it better to use the school's policy of Tradition, Honor, Discipline, and Excellence or Mr. Keating's philosophy of carpe diam (seize the day)? Mr. Keating believed that people should "suck the marrow out of life" and live like a ... |
Movie Reviews | Movie: delta force - suicide in chinatown | Movie: Delta Force - Suicide in Chinatown There was a normal afternoon in Chinatown. Everybody was really interested in Silvester Stalone's new action movie that was being played for the first time this weekend. Delta Force was the movie. Stalone was acting as a very famous cop. He became popular because one year before he killed all a group of terrorists that was planning to p... |
Movie Reviews | Movie: glory | Movie: Glory The movie Glory (though having seen it 4 times) still amazes me. It is a very emotional movie. It is about the fact that blacks were starting to not be discriminated against. The racism was actually not gone at all, just muffled by many people's views. The 54th regiment was incorporated because people thought it would only be fitting that blacks be able to fight ... |
Movie Reviews | Movie: life, like the great gatsby | Movie: Life, Like The Great Gatsby Brian Olson OLSON 1 Professor John Hughes ENC 1102 December 3, 1996 Imagine that you live in the nineteen twenties, and that you are a very wealthy man that lives by himself in a manchine, on a lake and who throws parties every weekend. This is just the beginning of how to explain the way Ja... |
Movie Reviews | Movie: one flew over the cuckoo's nest | Movie: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Thomas Evans 12-6-96 General Psychology Dr. Sabin In the movie, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's nest, there was a character named McMurphy, played by Jack Nickolson, who was admitted into a mental institution for medical testing after having been convicted of statutory rape. It was obvious that he was only faking and he tho... |
Movie Reviews | Movie: stand and deliver - mr. escalante should be an inspiration to everyone | Movie: Stand and Deliver - Mr. Escalante Should Be An Inspiration to Everyone In the movie Stand and Deliver, double entendre ran rampant. During an Algebra lesson one day at the beginning of the school year, Mr. Escalante told Angel, a gang member, to "fill the hole". Not only was he referring to the hole as an illustration, but also to the hole in the students lives as a re... |
Movie Reviews | Movie: the fan | Movie: The Fan An extraordinary film that every movie "guru' should see is The Fan. Putting this picture on a pedestal would be the right thing to do. My counter- part, Hector, also gives the movie exemplary reviews. Robert DiNero plays a psychotic baseball fan who was an appalling father and a die-hard for the game. This crazy man just wants credit for giving a Barry Bonds-lik... |
Movie Reviews | Movie: the firm | Movie: The Firm Sydney Pollack's film The Firm is a drama based on an desire to escape from the law firm (Berndini, Lambert, and Lock) from which he was hired. The relatively small but wealthy firm wines and dines the ambitious Harvard Law Graduate's (played by Tom Cruise) with money and gifts in order to make him part of their team. Overwhelmed by the gracious treatment and substa... |
Movie Reviews | Movie: the grapes of wrath - the people and the depression | Movie: The Grapes Of Wrath - The people and the Depression In the movie The grapes of Wrath, the Joads undergo the hit of the depression, they have to leave their farm. They go to California for jobs, but find there are few jobs, and it pays little, or at least less then what they were told. The government tried to start programs to house and employ people like the Joads. Sinc... |
Movie Reviews | Movie: the last emperor | Movie: The Last Emperor On 1908 in Peking The emperor I-Sin-Ger-Oh-Who-Eee, son of prince Dredd, at the age of two, was crowned because emperorist Dowager was dieing. He was chosen because Dowager was his grandmother. The only thing that was bad was that they took him from his mother and gave him this lady that they called his "Wet nurse", which mainly breast fed him and took care of ... |
Movie Reviews | Movie: the mission | Movie: The Mission Meena Throngkumpola The movie, "The Mission," is about how the Spanish in cooperation with Pourtugal try to get the Jesuits off land negotiated by the two countries. The Spanish Church sends people into Asuncion, Paraguay to persuade the Jesuits to get off the land. The film includes spiritual and political activities the are reflected through the church, na... |
Movie Reviews | Movie: the paper chase | Movie: The Paper Chase The most famous quote in the movie, "The Paper Chase", would have to be when Kingsfield says, "You'll come in here with a scull full of mush and leave thinking like a lawyer." This movie should teach a high school student that going to college demands a lot more than the "easy street" they've been riding in high school. The movie teaches that you need to be ... |
Movie Reviews | Movie: tucker - preston tucker | Movie: Tucker - Preston Tucker Preston Tucker was a car-crazy kid who hung around auto speedways and grew up to create an automobile Tucker that was years ahead of its time. He was a man of pioneering spirit, ingenuity, and daring, who revolutionized Detroit in the 1940s with his stunning car of tomorrow. It was streamlined, futuristic, and fast the car every American dreamed ... |
Movie Reviews | Movie: twelve angry men | Movie: Twelve Angry Men The movie Twelve Angry Men begins with an eighteen year old boy from the ghetto who is on trial for the murder of his abusive father. A jury of twelve men are locked in the deliberation room to decide the fate of the young boy. All evidence is against the boy and a guilty verdict would send him to die in the electric chair. The judge informs the juror... |
Movie Reviews | Movie: what's eating gilbert grape | Movie: What's Eating Gilbert Grape "What's Eating Gilbert Grape", as directed by Lasse Hallstrom, is a comedy, drama, romance, all wrapped up into one grand movie. Leonardo DiCaprio plays a mentally impaired boy with a caring brother, who always took care of his brother until the love of his life came to town, proposing the essential question: What is a boy willing to sacrifice... |
Movie Reviews | Movie: wolfgang amadeus mozart | Movie: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart The movie takes place in Vienna, Austria in the 1700's. The film begins with the attempted suicide of Antonio Salieri, a court composer of the Austrian Emperor. He is placed in a mental asylum where a priest visits and asks for his confession. Salieri claims to have caused the death of Mozart. The rest of the movie is a narration by the court composer, ... |
Movie Reviews | Movies heros | I have seen many films, episodes, and all time favorites throughout my life. Attitudes, styles, and feelings are carried out in each film. You learn to enjoy watching these characters assume their role and act in such a notorious way. Every character has his or her way of acting. For example, to be considered a hero in a film, you must be the underdog and be victorious. You can be in romance if yo... |
Movie Reviews | Movies: a thematic analysis of alfred hitchcock's psycho | Movies: A Thematic Analysis of Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho has been commended for forming the archetypical basis of all horror films that followed its 1960 release. The mass appeal that Psycho has maintained for over three decades can undoubtedly be attributed to its universality. In Psycho, Hitchcock allows the audience to become a subjective character within... |
Movie Reviews | Of mice and men: a comprehensive comparison of novel and movie | Of Mice and Men: A Comprehensive Comparison of Novel and Movie Who doesn't know of John Steinbeck's classic novel "Of Mice and Men"? It is a novel that almost everyone educated in the United States has either read it or pretended to read it. But how many have seen the 1992 film "Of Mice and Men"? The relative obscurity of 1992 screen version of this timeless drama does not mea... |
Movie Reviews | One flew over the cuckoo's nest | Thomas Evans One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest 12-6-96 General Psychology Dr. Sabin In the movie, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's nest, there was a character named McMurphy, played by Jack Nickolson, who was admitted into a mental institution for medical testing after having been convicted of statutory rape. It was obvious that he was only faking and he thou... |
Movie Reviews | Opinion on movie villians | Movie Villains What really is a villain? Villains have been alive forever, there is no way to easily detected them or stopping them. They come in all shapes and sizes from animals to little children to even space aliens. Each villain has his or her own particular style, usually greed. Another big reason for there evil acts is because of revenge, revenge can turn innocent people in ... |
Movie Reviews | Personal writing: after "casino" | Personal Writing: After "Casino" I was outside the movie theater waiting for my usually late friend Ryan to meet me there. I noticed two guys and a girl in the parking lot drinking beer. They seemed pretty drunk but I thought nothing of it as they walked into the theater. Finally Ryan arrived and we decided to see "Casino" a story about the mob in Las Vegas. After the movie we walk... |
Movie Reviews | Philadelphia | The movie, Philadelphia, was an excellent example of the severe discrimination many people with Aids are exposed to. In this instance the main character, Andy ,was also gay. Unfortunately, in our society, he was faced with a double whammy. The gay iss is controversial enough, but to compound that in the work force with having Aids would be almost unbearable for any person to cope... |
Movie Reviews | Planet of the apes | "Planet of the Apes" James Burroughs is a critic. In his article, "The Fiction of Science Fiction," he expresses his opinion that the movie, "Planet of the Apes," has no value or real meaning for society today. He says it is like other similar science fiction movies made in the 1960s because it is so out-of-date. He seems to feel the only people that would enjoy "Planet of the Apes" ar... |
Movie Reviews | Power of one | Power of One I did not enjoy this movie. I thought it was poorly done, the camera shots were very basic, it was extremely predictable and "deja vu". Since I am no Leonar Maltin and this assignement does not ask for a movie critique , i will say no further. If we take into factors what I already stated above , I guess you already know what I think of the ending. I will now expose ... |
Movie Reviews | Power of one | I did not enjoy this movie. I thought it was poorly done, the camera shots were very basic, it was extremely predictable and "deja vu". Since I am no Leonar Maltin and this assignement does not ask for a movie critique , i will say no further. If we take into factors what I already stated above , I guess you already know what I think of the ending. I will now expose my train of thoughts whi... |
Movie Reviews | Psycho by alfred hitcock | PSYCHO A running theme that is presented to the audience in Psycho is the opposition that exists between good and evil. This is shown throughout the movie among the different characters. Examples can also be taken from conflicts within the characters. Certain conflicts and how the characters deal with them and each other are what shape the structure of the movie. The perception that the... |
Movie Reviews | Pulp fiction | Pulp Fiction Charles Chaponis WRT 101 Bruce Johnson Final Copy 2/12/97 Throughout the movie Pulp Fiction, directed by Quentin Tarantino, there are many hidden references to religion and the Bible. The movie starts off, introducing our two main characters, Vincent Vega and Jules Winnfield, as two cheap hitmen in search of a package belonging to thei... |
Movie Reviews | Pulp fiction | Charles Chaponis WRT 101 Bruce Johnson Final Copy 2/12/97 Throughout the movie Pulp Fiction, directed by Quentin Tarantino, there are many hidden references to religion and the Bible. The movie starts off, introducing our two main characters, Vincent Vega and Jules Winnfield, as two cheap hitmen in search of a package belonging to their boss, Marcellus Wallace. The package is retrie... |
Movie Reviews | Reservoir dogs | "I don't give a fuck what you know or don't know, but I'm gonna torture you anyway, regardless. Not to get information. It's so amusing for me to torture a cop. All you can do is pray for a quick death, which you aint gonna get." Mr. Blonde in Reservoir Dogs, 1992 This guy was the most twisted and sickly perverted guy in the whole movie. He had no... |
Movie Reviews | Review of sublime video | The music video that I chose to write my paper on, is called "Date Rape" and it is performed by Sublime. I've seen the video plenty of times and I taped it back in 1993 when I first got their album 40 oz. to Freedom. The song is about a man that picks up a lady in a bar and rapes her. He winds up going to court and the judge finds that, "he was full of shit, and... |
Movie Reviews | Review of three movies: trainspotting, ferris bueller's day off and jurassic park | Review Of Three Movies: Trainspotting, Ferris Bueller's Day Off and Jurassic Park English 11 5 December 1996 Trainspotting Trainspotting is a drop-dead look at a dead-end lifestyle. Set among the junkies and thugs of Edinburgh's slums and made by (director Danny Boyle, writer John Hodge, producer Andrew Macdonald) that created "Shallow Grave," "Trainspotting" caused a ... |
Movie Reviews | Rocky iv | In 1985, a movie was made that displayed the attitudes and fears that Americans had of the former Soviet Union. Although the movie had some flaws, it did closely represent the feelings of the era that was depicted. This paper intends to analyze and give the proper credit that this movie and its actors deserve. East meets West when Rocky takes on a vicious Soviet fighter who literally ... |
Movie Reviews | Rotc entrence essay | entrance essay For almost as long as I cn remember, I have been interested in th military. Influenced by such movies as "Patton", and by my dad's interest in military history, my interst grew. More recently, my interest in military affairs has been encouraged by ROTC community service activities, through learning aabout leadership as a partisipant in the cadet chain of command, and from t... |
Movie Reviews | Saving private ryan movie critigue | Saving Private Ryan is a fairly new World War 2 movie, which is a blockbuster hit. It"s about a private named Ryan who lost three of his brothers in action. Being the only brother left in the family he gets the ticket home. He was dropped on D-Day in German occupied territorries. Unfortunatly no one knows where he is beacuse of misdrops so a team of eight rangers are sent out o find him. During t... |
Movie Reviews | Seinfeld | Seinfeld It was a warm September Thursday night in 1991. I was engaged in my favorite past time of "channel surfing" when a light appeared at the end of the tunnel. Displayed on my favorite, "20 inch friend", (also known as my usual Saturday night date), appeared a remarkable treasure. There before my eyes was a sitcom called Seinfeld. From that moment on I was astounded to find ... |
Movie Reviews | Seinfeld 2 | Seinfeld ranks among the best situational comedies of all time. It has been compared to I Love Lucy and The Honeymooners, both of whom received praise for there pioneering works in comedy. But I believe that Seinfeld takes the term sitcom to another level. This is accomplished by exhibiting the many attributes of the show. Seinfeld contains many characteristics of a great situational com... |
Movie Reviews | Sense and sensibility- movie review | Ang Lee, who directed, and Emma Thompson, who adapted the screenplay, have done an excellent job of bringing Jane Austen"s Victorian novel, Sense and Sensibility, to the movie screen. The movie"s collection of actors are a joy to watch as they bring out the emotions of an otherwise polite and reserved era in time. The production work is top notch with bright, cascading photography that sets a... |
Movie Reviews | Seperate society | Two different places and two different times. Not a single character with the same name, or nickname. The setting in both the novel and movie, although I think that the movie was a novel before it was a movie, are similar and dissimilar at times. Both take place at Boys Schools, although the air surrounding both schools are not quite the same. One school is dedicated to prepari... |
Movie Reviews | Shirley temple | Shirley Temple Black Hollywood's Youngest Star Did you ever know that a little girl could be a famous movie star? It happened to Shirley Temple, she became Hollywood's youngest star. On April 23, 1928 Shirley Temple was born. One day, when Shirley was three and a half years old, about two hundred children gathered at her dance school to auditio... |
Movie Reviews | Shirley temple: black hollywood's youngest star | Shirley Temple: Black Hollywood's Youngest Star Did you ever know that a little girl could be a famous movie star? It happened to Shirley Temple, she became Hollywood's youngest star. On April 23, 1928 Shirley Temple was born. One day, when Shirley was three and a half years old, about two hundred children gathered at her dance school to audition for a movie. ... |
Movie Reviews | Sleepless in seattle | Sleepless in Seattle It is difficult to say at times, what exactly makes a movie great. I have found that the good movies are felt as you are leaving the theater. The audience should be able to feel and belive, to some degree. When exiting a movie, I hope that I feel this way. Today, paying large sums of money for each visit to the theater is tough to keep up. The audience expects an... |
Movie Reviews | Sleepless in seattle | It is difficult to say at times, what exactly makes a movie great. I have found that the good movies are felt as you are leaving the theater. The audience should be able to feel and belive, to some degree. When exiting a movie, I hope that I feel this way. Today, paying large sums of money for each visit to the theater is tough to keep up. The audience expects an extra special performance each... |
Movie Reviews | Slingblade | In reviewing the movie "Slingblade" many moral issues arose. "Slingblade" revolves totally around Karl, a retarded man who has spent almost all of his life in a psychiatric hospital. Upon the day of his release, Karl told his horrific story to a student newspaper reporter. While discussing his story, the viewers find that Karl was treated almost like an animal by his parents... |
Movie Reviews | Speeding | Speeding. The popular movie "Top Gun" coined a phrase that reads "I feel the need, the need for speed." Many drivers today would agree with that phrase. Speeding is one of the most common ways that people break the law. When people break the law there are unpleasant consequences. A speeding ticket is an effective form of discipline: paying for a ticket, traffic school, and higher insura... |
Movie Reviews | Stand by me (movie review for small group com) | A Summer To Remember The movie Stand By Me is based upon a novel by Steven King. It doesn"t have the same eerie feel as some of his other books and is generally a more serious movie. It takes place in the small town of Castle Rock, Oregon. It is the middle of the summer in approximately the early 1960"s. The kids are bored and that is the setup for their adventure to go find a dead bod... |
Movie Reviews | Star trek - the next generation | Star date: 41176.8 Captain's log. This is my (Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the U.S.S. Enterprise #NCC-17O1 D) account of the events leading up to and beyond the Federation and Romulan war (2380-2385 AD). Star date: 32851.2: The Enterprise received a distressed call from a fleeing scout ship. SOS... I am ... under ... attack!! request ... asylum ... Federation ... Space!!.. The ... |
Movie Reviews | Star wars- | Star Wars: An Intergalactic Joyride ŒStar Wars¹ is the highest grossing movie of all time. It is also one of my favorites. It was released in May 1977 and re-released in a restored and enhanced Special Edition just last month. There are many different criteria that can be used to describe ŒStar Wars¹ appeal. Gary Arnold and Edward Rothstein, two movie critics who had the opportun... |
Movie Reviews | Star wars: an intergalactic joyride | Star Wars: An Intergalactic Joyride "Star Wars" is the highest grossing movie of all time. It is also one of my favorites. It was released in May 1977 and re-released in a restored and enhanced Special Edition just last month. There are many different criteria that can be used to describe ŒStar Wars' appeal. Gary Arnold and Edward Rothstein, two movie critics who had the oppo... |
Movie Reviews | Steven spielberg | Steven Spielberg As a kid in Phoenix, Steven Spielberg charged admission to his home movies while his sister sold popcorn. Although Spielberg excelled at making movies he was not a good student. He hated school and was one of the most unathletic students there. His movie making career began at the age of twelve when his father bought a movie camera that Spielberg used all the tim... |
Movie Reviews | Steven spielberg | Steven Spielberg As a kid in Phoenix, Steven Spielberg charged admission to his home movies while his sister sold popcorn. Although Spielberg excelled at making movies he was not a good student. He hated school and was one of the most unathletic students there. His movie making career began at the age of twelve when his father bought a movie camera that Spielberg used all the time. ... |
Movie Reviews | Stranger on a train | Stranger On A Train According to me, the model of "the classic cinema" is respected in the movie Strangers On a Train. The movie starts on a train, where we are introduced to the two main characters, having a conversation. The subject of the conversation is basically the most important part of the setup. By listening to them, we could predict the direction that the story was going... |
Movie Reviews | Stranger on a train | According to me, the model of "the classic cinema" is respected in the movie Strangers On a Train. The movie starts on a train, where we are introduced to the two main characters, having a conversation. The subject of the conversation is basically the most important part of the setup. By listening to them, we could predict the direction that the story was going towards. Throughout the rest ... |
Movie Reviews | Taxi driver | "The Other" is a theme, motif or figure which seems to appear over and over in the movie. It could be nature, women, other races, other cultures, homosexuals, criminals, rulers, Gods, monsters, etc. In the film, the protagonist becomes just like "The Other" in order to resolve the problem. Usually, "The Other" is killed by the protagonist at the end of the movie. "The Other" is always the vict... |
Movie Reviews | Televised violence is here to stay | Televised Violence is Here to Stay One of the most heated issues debated, ever since the invention of the television, is the effects of media violence on society. Many try to wipe it out, but will undoubtedly fail. It has great educational and entertainment value. There have even been studies showing that viewing television violence will actually relieve stress. For these reasons, televised... |
Movie Reviews | Television and commercialism | Television is populated with images which are superficial and lack depth. Programs look more like ads and ads look more like programs. All this leads to a close circle of consumerism. The three excerpts relate to these unifying ideas thus the validity of their argument. "Surface is all; what you see is what you get. These images are proud of their standing as images. They suggest t... |
Movie Reviews | Television and the internet | Having already done my fair share of internet surfing, I was excited to finally have the opportunity to do a research paper that involved this vast and seemingly boundless electronic world. It is easy to passively interact with the rest of the world and scan effortlessly through millions of pages of information, some of which is useful, some of which simply takes up space; the problem that many... |
Movie Reviews | Television censorship | TELEVISION CENSORSHIP WHAT IS CENSORSHIP? "Censorship is the supervision and control of the information and ideas that are circulated among the people within a society. In modern times, censorship refers to the examination of books, periodicals, plays, films, television and radio programs, news reports, and other communica... |
Movie Reviews | Television shows reflect american culture | Television Shows Reflect American Culture There are many movies and television shows that reflect American culture. A show or movie must address some current societal problem or trend in order to truly reflect American life; murder, rape, racism, and, on a less serious note, parties, shopping, and sports are topics that deserve serious consideration by the public and the media. ... |
Movie Reviews | The awakening - movie | Throughout the movie The Awakening, Robin Williams demonstrates his knowledge of the scientific method. The scientific method is a procedure of steps that is used to prove problems. In the movie it is used to show that patients suffering from an un-named disorder do have a slight opportunity to return to their normal state of being. The scientific method is a list of steps to... |
Movie Reviews | The blair witch project | My overall impression of the movie is that it was a very scary movie that made my hair stand up and gave me the chills. The major theme or statement that I learned from the movie was that it's better to stay on the beaten trail. The performances by the major actors and actresses were great. Heather Donahue did a great job in getting the group lost in the woods. She did it w... |
Movie Reviews | The color purple | Byron Hooper 11/18/96 The Color Purple film review The Color Purple The movie "The Color Purple," directed by Steven Speilberg, was, in general, a satisfactory film. It was enjoyable, if you don't consider accuracy towards the novel it is portraying important. Speilberg obviously had little, if any, respect toward the original story, by Alice Walker. He slaughtered a story most pe... |
Movie Reviews | The crow review | Scott Speakman English Project April 18, 2000 The Crow Reviewed Throughout the history of movies, movie companies have tried to do it bigger better and more exciting. They bring in bigger stars, better special effects and more convincing stories, which causes the masses to flock to the theatres in eager anticipation of each movie. The audience usually gets what the audience want... |
Movie Reviews | The dead poet that kill himself (a response to dead poet's s | The movie Dead Poet's Society raises an interesting question: When educating teen-agers, is it better to use the school's policy of Tradition, Honor, Discipline, and Excellence or Mr. Keating's philosophy of carpe diam (seize the day)? Mr. Keating believed that people should "suck the marrow out of life" and live like a free thinking person even at the young age of seventeen. Centuries of tea... |
Movie Reviews | The empty pillow | Using the theory of reason action-Fishbein and applying it on a 5 min. scene of the movie by: AlomaniQ8 THE EMPTY PILLOW This is a love story that it"s events occur, in Egypt, in the fifties, where there were strict traditions about love between non married lovers, and where the word of the parents rules the lives of their sons and daughters. In that movie, a young man (salah) who is still a stude... |
Movie Reviews | The empty pillow | Using the theory of reason action-Fishbein and applying it on a 5 min. scene of the movie by: AlomaniQ8 THE EMPTY PILLOW This is a love story that it"s events occur, in Egypt, in the fifties, where there were strict traditions about love between non married lovers, and where the word of the parents rules the lives of their sons and daughters. In that movie, a young man (salah) who is still a stude... |
Movie Reviews | The fan | An extraordinary film that every movie "guru" should see is The Fan. Putting this picture on a pedestal would be the right thing to do. My counter-part, Hector, also gives the movie exemplary reviews. Robert DiNero plays a psychotic baseball fan who was an appalling father and a die-hard for the game. This crazy man just wants credit for giving a Barry Bonds-like player ( Wesley Snipes ) h... |
Movie Reviews | The godfather, a comparison | Michael Vs. Sonny At a first glance Michael and Sonny appear to be quite different. Upon further observation, however, they have some similarities. Although they are different in areas of personality, values, and their tempers, they are similar in areas of loyalty, their respect for their father, and their strong family ties. Their personalities are quite different. Sonny is brash... |
Movie Reviews | The godfather: michael vs. sonny | The Godfather: Michael Vs. Sonny At a first glance Michael and Sonny appear to be quite different. Upon further observation, however, they have some similarities. Although they are different in areas of personality, values, and their tempers, they are similar in areas of loyalty, their respect for their father, and their strong family ties. Their personalities are quite differe... |
Movie Reviews | The grapes of wrath, the people and the depression | The Grapes Of Wrath The people and the Depression In the movie The grapes of Wrath, the Joads undergo the hit of the depression, they have to leave their farm. They go to California for jobs, but find there are few jobs, and it pays little, or at least less then what they were told. The government tried to start programs to house and employ people like the Joads. Since the people who... |
Movie Reviews | The great gatsby | The movie created by David Merrick as well as the novel written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, both entitled The Great Gatsby, ate truly two fine pieces of art. The movie version shows the viewer what is happening in the story without internal comments from the narrator and the viewer can understand exactly what is happening without any intellectual thought involved. The novel, however, challenges the... |
Movie Reviews | The maltese falcon: book vs. movie | The Changing Of Characters Many time in our lives, we have seen the transformation of novels into movies. Some of them are equal to the novel, few are superior, and most are inferior. Why is this? Why is it that a story that was surely to be one of the best written stories ever, could turn out to be Hollywood flops? One reason is that in many transformations, the main characters are ch... |
Movie Reviews | The meaning of chow yun-fat (it's in his mouth) | The Meaning of Chow Yun-Fat (It's In His Mouth) Ultimately, it comes down to his mouth. Chow Yun-Fat is the coolest movie actor in the world today, and the only way I can explain this is to talk about his mouth. He does cool things with his mouth. Smoking cigarettes is no longer an emblem of cool in the USA, but Chow does wonders with cigarette smoke in Prison On Fire. Director Ring... |
Movie Reviews | The mirror has two faces a movie review | THE MIRROR HAS TWO FACES A MOVIE REVIEW The movie stares Barbara Streisand as Rose Morgan a lonely, single, low self esteemed woman who lives with her domineering mother Hannah Morgan played by Lauren Becall in New York. Jeff Bridges who plays Gregory Larkin a math instructor at Columbia... |
Movie Reviews | The paper chase | The most famous quote in the movie, "The Paper Chase", would have to be when Kingsfield says, "You'll come in here with a scull full of mush and leave thinking like a lawyer." This movie should teach a high school student that going to college demands a lot more than the "easy street" they've been riding in high school. The movie teaches that you need to be able to put up with the arroganc... |
Movie Reviews | The passing of arthur and excalibur | John Boorman adapted the "Passing of Arthur" in the movie "Excalibur." Movies are not the only adaptations of Tennyson"s poem but there are several art and music adaptations. Examples of these adaptations include music by Loreena McKennit and paintings by John William Waterhouse, Howard Pyle and Arthur Rackham. In Bela Balazs"s Art Form and Material Balazs states that a good ... |
Movie Reviews | The pit and the pendulum: movie vs. book | The Pit and the Pendulum: Movie vs. Book The movie "The pit and the Pendulum" was nothing at all like the book. The movie started out as a man walked along the ocean to enter a huge castle. His sister had moved there when she married Dom Madena, but now she was dead. The castle was used to torture Catholics during the Inquisition. Dom Madena believes that the castle has an at... |
Movie Reviews | The red balloon | The Red Balloon Essay The Red Balloon is about a little boy and his love for a red balloon. The movie is a French short movie which won the Cannes Film Festival Award. The film has many symbolic meanings. The movie begins when a little boy finds a large, red balloon. He rescues the balloon from a lampost and takes it to school. When he gets to school many children try to take the litt... |
Movie Reviews | The shawhsank redemption | The Shawshank Redemption The Shawshank Redemption is a very unique movie which involves many different personalities and underlying themes. The personalities of the inmates are very interesting and when they are combined they create a very fascinating plot which looks at prison life in a interesting and different perspective than one normally thinks. The main characters are Andy Dufrense ... |
Movie Reviews | The shawshank redemption | The Shawshank Redemption For my film analysis, I chose the movie The Shawshank Redemption. Frank Darabont directed Shawshank and wrote the screenplay based on the novel Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption by author Stephen King. The movie was made in 1994 and produced by Niki Marvin. The movie stars Morgan Freeman and Tim Robbins as two convicts serving time in a New England pri... |
Movie Reviews | The shawshank redemption | The Shawshank Redemption The Shawshank Redemption is a very unique movie which involves many different personalities and underlying themes. The personalities of the inmates are very interesting and when they are combined they create a very fascinating plot which looks at prison life in a interesting and different perspective than one normally thinks. The main characters are Andy Dufr... |
Movie Reviews | The shawshank redemption | The Shawshank Redemption For my film analysis, I chose the movie The Shawshank Redemption. Frank Darabont directed Shawshank and wrote the screenplay based on the novel Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption by author Stephen King. The movie was made in 1994 and produced by Niki Marvin. The movie stars Morgan Freeman and Tim Robbins as two convicts serving time in a New England pr... |
Movie Reviews | The silence of the lambs | THE SILENCE OF THE LAMBS Clarice Starling, a student preparing for a life in the FBI, hunts a serial killer by use of vague information given to her by an incarcerated psychologist. Hannibal "The Cannibal" Lecter relays information to Clarice in exchange for information about herself. The killer, known only as "Buffalo Bill", kidnaps large women, keeps them alive for a few days, and f... |
Movie Reviews | The truman show | The Truman Show is a movie about a man who is held captive inside a world that revolves around him. Truman Burbank, the main character has been raised on a huge TV Soundstage filled with hidden cameras and actors who pretend to be his friends and family. This world is one where he is literally trapped in his own life by the surreal existence in which he has b... |
Movie Reviews | The unholy crusade | The Unholy Crusade Religion is a canopy under which American culture and society thrives. Its extension reaches the boundaries of such cultural mainstreams as movies, television, and music. Oliver Stone's 1986 war film Platoon is an example of the religious subtleties and overtones that appear in various American genres. Stone not only uses religious themes to portray the Vietnam War... |
Movie Reviews | The world according to garp movie report | It is very common to see a movie that has arisen from a famous novel, but there are some major differences seen when the transition from paper to screen takes place. The director of a movie has to try and fit a complete novel into an hour an a half to three our movie. Sometimes this adaptation works very well and the same points can be found if you read the book or watch ... |
Movie Reviews | Thematic analysis of psycho | Arts- Movies A Thematic Analysis of Alfred Hitchcock"s Psycho Alfred Hitchcock"s Psycho has been commended for forming the archetypical basis of all horror films that followed its 1960 release. The mass appeal that Psycho has maintained for over three decades can undoubtedly be attributed to its universality. In Psycho, Hitchcock allows the audience to become a subjective character within ... |
Movie Reviews | They are similar antz | In the movie "Antz" the ants posses very many qualities which are similar, and some the same as humans. The first quality that is similar to humans, is that the ants all try to work themselves to the top of the ant colony, this is one quality that the character Z has more then the others. Another quality that the ants have to live by which is they live, and follow instructions by one c... |
Movie Reviews | Thoughts on pocahontas | After watching the disney movie, Pocahontas, many people have found a large amount of historical inaccuracies in both the setting, and the characters portrayed. An example is: the topographic features of Virginia aren"t at all like the waterfalls and mountains shown in the movie. Other examples include the fact that Pocahontas and John Smith never actually fell in love, that Powhatan never actuall... |
Movie Reviews | Time machine | Allan Psaila The Time Machine Since this movie is a science fiction movie, the events in which they take place are not plausible. If it was possible to create a time machine then there are many plausible events. The theory on the 4th dimension at the beginning of the movie is very plausible and also the theory on how the time machine works and runs through time. Also another plausib... |
Movie Reviews | Toulmin model | The use of Toulmin model Applied to a scene from the movie SALADIN THE CHAMPION (The Crusaders) Saladin: Ahmad Mazhar kingRichard : Hamdy Gaithe Virgenia: Lila Fawzi King Feleebe: Omar Alharerri by: Al-OmaniQ8 Comm. 480 Assign#3 Summer 98" Saladin the champion (the crusaders) This movie talks about the crusades to gain Jerusalem back from the Moslem army that was lead by the great sultan Saladin. ... |
Movie Reviews | True romance | Once again, Quentin Tarantino outdoes himself. The movie True Romance was excellent. It presented real issues that some people are forced to deal with in their lives. The title of the movie is misleading. You would think this was going to be a love tory. Actually it is, but unlike any love story I've ever seen. It's filled with violence, action, blood, guts and gore. ... |
Movie Reviews | Tv violence: impossible to get rid of violence on television | TV Violence: Impossible To Get Rid of Violence on Television Andy Allen Optional Final 2nd hour Tear gas flushes a gunman out of a house where he had been held up. He comes out shooting, then falls in a hail of bullets from the S.W.A.T team. A film of the shoot-out and removal of the gunman's body appear on the on the evening news. Is this what Americans want t... |
Movie Reviews | Twister | Twister The movie that I watched was called Twister. It is a movie that is about the study of tornado's and a story of one of the actors lives called Joe. As a little girl, Joe's father was killed by an F-5 tornado( This is the largest size tornado possible). The movie begins with the actual death of Joe's father in 1969. After the tragedy, time is moved on to present day and into th... |
Movie Reviews | Twister | Twister The movie that I watched was called Twister. It is a movie that is about the study of tornado"s and a story of one of the actors lives called Joe. As a little girl, Joe"s father was killed by an F-5 tornado( This is the largest size tornado possible). The movie begins with the actual death of Joe"s father in 1969. After the tragedy, time is moved on to present day and into ... |
Movie Reviews | Wag the dog | Although the movie Wag the Dog is a comedy about a completly fake war, written and produced by a top Hollywood producer and a presidential Mr. Fix-It in order to take the focus off of a presidential sex scandel 11 days before the election, it does have a serious message to impart - Don't believe everything you see on TV. Sure, parents tell their kids that the man on TV isn't really dead, it's al... |
Movie Reviews | What's eating gilbert grape | "What"s Eating Gilbert Grape", as directed by Lasse Hallstrom, is a comedy, drama, romance, all wrapped up into one grand movie. Leonardo DiCaprio plays a mentally impaired boy with a caring brother, who always took care of his brother until the love of his life came to town, proposing the essential question: What is a boy willing to sacrifice in order to be with the one he loves? Joh... |